Thread: Grocery stores
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Nancy Young[_2_] Nancy Young[_2_] is offline
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Default Grocery stores

George wrote:

> I guess I don't get it either. There is a little deli in my town that
> makes great fresh subs using buns from the Italian bakery that is one
> town over. They use quality meats and the price is probably 25% less
> than the big box chains like subway. I mention the place whenever I
> get a chance and I get reactions such as "the bun was crispy so it
> must have been old" or even more important when food quality is
> concerned "they don't have a touch screen display where I can place
> my order"

Oh, geez. I have seen that in a convenience store.

In my town, there is a sub shop like you describe. Very
popular and the subs are way better and cheaper than
what you'd get at a chain.

A number of years ago, they also opened a Blimpie and a
Subway. They're still there, with this place right there, I
have no reason to visit them. Someone goes there, I guess.
They're missing out.
