Thread: Grocery stores
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George[_1_] George[_1_] is offline
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Default Grocery stores

Dimitri wrote:
> Because of my location and the proximity of the stupidmarkets I watch
> the prices and buy in bulk.
> The markets must think we are idiots with their savings deals but one is
> virtually forced into playing their games.

Thats why I like the local large family owned market where we buy most
of our stuff and a regional chain. Both sell stuff at fair prices with
no insulting shopper club ID member card and inflated prices on some
items such as "eggs: $2.95/doz, with shopper club ID card $1.95/doz"
when the normal price is that or even less and of course a 3 foot long
tape is produced at the register announcing your "savings". The regional
chain even has a display near the entrance with two carts filled with
the same items. One has the prices if you used a shopper club ID card at
a competitor and one shows the prices if you just paid the normal price
at this store. The normal price is always lower and the carts contain a
fair representation of normal purchases.

> I also carry a little Oscar with some blue ice and an insulated bag.
> so there are the tallies:
> Ralphs (Kroger) Paid 62.65 Savings $62.59 Like I would have paid the
> $125.00
> Albertsons Paid $72.82 Savings $72.18 + 3 $5.00 certificates (cash
> off your next bill)
> The regular prices are NUTS Wishbone Salad Dressing $3.89 Savings 2.23
> net price $1.66.
> And so on and so on.
> Who are they kidding?
> Dimitri