Thread: Greek Food
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Greek Food

kilikini wrote:
>> Thank you! Lovely, both. I have handled phyllo twice when making
>> spanikopita! I could be better at it, but I will learn.

> Phyllo is one of those things that intimidates me. It seems really simple,
> but I know I'll screw it up. If I watch someone (in person) prepare it, I
> know I'll be able to do it

It would be a lot more intimidating if you had to start by making the
pastry, but buying it frozen skips that step. It really isn't that bad.
You just need to be prepared and work fast. You use several lawyers
so you can make mistakes and cover then up.... literally.

Make sure that your pastry is completely thawed out. It comes in a
box and wrapped in plastic. Have all your ingredients on hand and ready
to use and a damp cloth cover it and keep it from drying out. Plyllo
forgiving stuff. The results are usually so tasty that no one will
notice that you tore a few sheets and patched them together.