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In article
m>, katie > writes
>is this a joke?
>are you kidding?

Nope he isn't kidding, its amazing what some of these kooks will
believe.. Give them a conspiracy theory and they will literally believe
anything even if the truth is shoved under their noses, they would
rather go blind than acknowledge that they are wrong.
Sad isn't it.

>"SK >" /> wrote in message
>> August 2002 edition - THE NEW PAGANISM: How Christianity is
>> being replaced by 'green' religion, goddess worship, globalism
>> Relentless attacks on America's Christian churches - not just
>> from without, but from within - which are steadily remolding
>> institutionalized Christianity to serve a new, non-Christian,
>> globalist agenda, are the focus of August's eye-opening
>> edition of Whistleblower.
>> For years, Christians have stood by helplessly as their
>> once-dominant religion has been increasingly scoffed at,
>> marginalized and demonized. They have watched a dizzying
>> succession of outrageous court decisions - outlawing the 10
>> Commandments in schools and courtrooms, forbidding
>> acknowledgement of God in graduation speeches, and most
>> recently, declaring public recitation of the Pledge of
>> Allegiance unconstitutional.
>> And they have reeled at prosecutions that criminalize
>> conscientious Christians, such as that of the Canadian printer
>> fined $5,000 for refusing to print materials for a "***
>> rights" group. Or the shocking revelation that the Swedish
>> parliament is pushing to amend that country's constitution to
>> ban speech or writing opposing homosexuality - even within
>> churches themselves - violations of which could result in
>> prison sentences.
>> But while these are the conflict's familiar flashpoints, the
>> real fight lies elsewhere. Indeed, the biggest war of all is
>> that raging within the churches themselves.
>> The Catholic Church's devastating clergy sex scandal - with
>> its seemingly endless revelations of predatory homosexual
>> priests molesting boys, and the stunning failure of their
>> superiors to put a stop to it - is the tip of the iceberg. As
>> August's Whistleblower shows, the fierce battle for control,
>> not only of the Catholic Church, but of many of the mainline
>> Protestant denominations as well, is the real story. The
>> combatants range from the familiar front-line storm troopers -
>> homosexual activists, ACLU lawyers, atheists - to the exotic -
>> environmentalists, the United Nations, globalists, New Agers,
>> witches and occultists, and many others almost too strange to
>> believe. But all are engaged in an ultimate fight - a battle
>> to the death, winner takes all - for control of the major
>> institutions of the Christian religion.
>> "America is rapidly changing from the jewel of Judeo-Christian
>> Western Civilization to a screaming babel of wild religious
>> movements, each more wacky than the next, and all animated by
>> rebellion against the religion and values upon which America
>> was founded, and which made it the greatest nation in world
>> history," said WND Editor and CEO Joseph Farah.
>> And just what, exactly, is attempting to replace Christianity
>> as the dominant religion in America?
>> Superficially, it appears to be just a freak show, ranging
>> from the seemingly harmless "Entertainment Paganism"
>> ("Dungeons and Dragons," "white witchcraft," "Buffy the
>> Vampire Slayer," "Witchblade") to "Teen Cult Paganism" (teens
>> in Gothic drag, freaky hair colors, tattoos, body piercing,
>> "body art," black garb, studs and chains) to "Ecology
>> Theology" (free-form sexual morality, "gaia" worship, native
>> spirituality rituals) to the wide-ranging "New Age Movement"
>> (believes humankind is on the cusp of a new dawn, beginning
>> new phase in evolutionary history) to "Dark Paganism"
>> (believes there's no such thing as "evil," and for whom
>> destruction and death are forms of beauty) to "Wicca"
>> (witchcraft is reportedly the fastest growing religion in
>> Australia) and "Satanism" (consciously acknowledges Satan as
>> master, and seeks power to corrupt all things, especially
>> Christianity).
>> But that's only the surface. As WND reveals in this issue of
>> Whistleblower, the paganization of America's churches -
>> already well under way - is consciously intended to usher in a
>> "new age" of global government, with the United Nations as the
>> global "brain" of a new world order.
>> And no, this is not conspiracy stuff. It's real - and it's
>> happening now.
>> This "new" religious worldview is sugar-coated with
>> high-minded and universal ideals of environmental protection
>> and species preservation, but the ultimate agenda behind the
>> movement is much darker.
>> The ultimate purpose of "green religion" is to convince the
>> people of the world to embrace world governance - which for a
>> free nation like America represents a massive loss of national
>> sovereignty and personal freedom - for the supposed sake of
>> Mother Earth ("gaia") and the environment. After all, it is a
>> lot easier to administer world government if all people
>> believe it represents their salvation, rather than tyranny.
>> How is this to be accomplished? To begin with, assign new
>> names to old demons. What once was called "paganism" has been
>> renamed and assigned a new respectability as the "gaia
>> hypothesis." The once-hated idea of world government has been
>> renamed "global governance." The concept of national
>> sovereignty is eroding and transmuting into the concept of
>> "sovereign equality."
>> "The vanguard of this movement," explains Henry Lamb in "The
>> rise of global green religion," "people like James Parks
>> Morton, James Lovelock, Robert Muller, Al Gore, Timothy Wirth
>> and many, many others, have been 'enlightened' through their
>> biocentric belief in gaia" - the belief that the earth itself
>> is a conscious, living organism - "and therefore they know
>> what is best for the planet. They also know that the only way
>> to protect the sacred gaia is to control the people who are
>> degrading her. The only way to control the people is through
>> an omnipotent government that is, at this moment,
>> consolidating its power into an ever-growing bureaucracy, now
>> stretching around the globe, extending its tentacles into
>> every corner of human life, creating de facto global
>> governance."
>> And guess what? Not only has this new "enlightened" worldview
>> permeated Western schools and governments, but America's
>> Christian churches themselves also are rapidly being converted
>> to this new religious paradigm.
>> Most Americans have no idea this is happening. Many don't want
>> to know. And yet, Americans are the only power on earth strong
>> enough to prevent global governance from taking control of the
>> entire planet. The August Whistleblower shows the way back.


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