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Bob Yates
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Default Sleazy PETA, gratuitously provocative and tasteless as ever

frlpwr wrote:
> What's "blasphemy"? The suggestion that the alleged Mother of God might
> offer succor to a lowly chicken? What's "disgusting" is that Catholics
> would take offense at the idea.

As you seem to be a non-native speaker of English, maybe a brief lesson
is in order.

The phase "offer succor" is used to mean offering support and comfort to
the living. Therefore it is impossible to "offer succor" to a dead
chicken, it would be possible to use the chicken to "offer succor" to
the living, maybe in a nice chicken soup. Maybe that is it! PETA wants
everyone to go out and make chicken soup, it is supposed to be good for
colds and other winter ails. Everyone go out and support PETA, here is
a Jewish recipe for Chicken Soup and Matzoth Balls. Remember kill a
chicken for PETA, it's what they want.

Good for What Ails You


1 chicken, at least 3 - 4 pounds, cut up into 8 or 9 pieces
1 tablespoon of salt, more to taste
some pepper
bunch of parsley
bunch of dill
bunch of celery
1 ½ - 2 pounds of carrots
1 ½ - 2 pounds of onions
2 or 3 parsnips are nice too, but not required
lots of water


1. Put cleaned chicken in the bottom of a large pot.

2. Cover the chicken with water and add salt. Your pot should be less
than two-thirds full.

3. Bring to a full boil over high heat. Skim off any foam that may
develop, preferably into a fat skimmer. Throw out the foam, but put the
water back into the soup pot.

4. Add the pepper and all the parsley and dill. Also add the heart, the
leaves, and a few stalks of the celery.

5. Cut about ¼ of the carrots & onions into chunks. Also one of the
parsnips if you're using them.

6. Add the chopped carrots, etc.

7. Slowly boil all this for as long as you can bear it. Three hours is
ideal. Two will do. Add extra water as needed to keep the pot around
two-thirds full. If you have a fat skimmer, repeatedly skim off the fat
that comes to the top. If you don't, before the soup can be eaten,
you'll have to leave it in the refrigerator for quite some time
(probably over night), until the fat on top solidifies and can be lifted
off. If you have no room in the fridge, the trunk of your car will work,
assuming it's cold outside.

8. After the stock has cooked for two to three hours, turn off the heat.
Then carefully remove everything from the liquid, placing it all in a
colander that's sitting in a big bowl. The stock should go back into the
soup pot. The chicken, vegetables, and herbs should be left to cool for
about half an hour.

9. In the meantime, dice up lots of celery and the remaining carrots and
onions. Parsnips too, if you're using them. If you're going to make
matzoth balls, prepare and refrigerate them -- batter recipe follows.

10. Bring the soup back to a boil and add the chopped vegetables. Cook
for about half an hour more. At the same time, add pieces of chicken to
the pot, completely boning the chicken as you go along. (The vegetables
used in making the stock can be eaten as is, chopped and added to the
soup, put in your compost pile, or just thrown out.)

11. Check the seasoning. You'll probably want to add more salt and
pepper. Then add the matzoth balls and cover the pot.

12. Turn the matzoth balls occasionally, and cook for another 30 minutes
or so. The soup will be delicious its first day - and better the next.
Store any leftover soup in the refrigerator. I store it right in the

Matzoth Balls

These are delicious, not required, and certainly the least healthy part
of the soup. You can use noodles or rice instead. If you do go for the
matzoth balls, cook them separately and add to each bowl as you serve.
Since the soup is so thick, it's also fine without a starch.


4 tablespoons of melted chicken fat (or use vegetable oil to cut down on
4 large eggs (I use jumbos)
1 cup matzoth meal (Add ¼ cup more if you like them hard; use ¼ cup less
for airy balls. We prefer the harder ones.)
1 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons of soup stock


1. Beat the eggs slightly and then add the fat. Mix well.

2. Add the matzoth meal and the salt. Mix well.

3. Add the soup stock. Again mix well.

4. Refrigerate for ½ hour or more.

5. About 45 minutes before the soup is to be served, form little matzoth
balls and drop them into the pot of boiling water. You should end up
with about 8 to 10 balls. Keep the pot covered as the matzoth balls
cook, and turn them a couple of times.