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Default Want to be a vegetarian

usual suspect wrote:


> Seems to me that Professor Davis' body count

The only _number_ Davis puts to a body count is a 50% reduction in the
vole population in _one_ field of _alfala_, a feed crop for livestock.
"Millions and millions" is not scientific quantification, not even for a
professor of animal science aka meat science.

> Stop with
> the red herring about funding: his work is either valid or invalid.

Financial disclosure of funding agents is hardly a "red herring". It is
important enough to the validity of research for the NIH, the NSF and
the PHS to require it for all grant applicants. The era of scientists
as objective gods is long over. Everyone seems to know this but you.

Davis has made his career in farm animal science. IOW, the study of how
to spend the least while profiting the most from livestock production.
Please list the peer-reviewed journals that have published Davis'


> Why don't *they* go out and demonstrate that soy farming is more humane grass-fed
> beef?

Please stop using "grass-fed" when you mean "pasture-fed". Grass-fed
cattle could be fed exclusively or seasonally with cut hay, sending
their CD count over the moon.


> I can offer anecdotal evidence from working in agriculture.
> I've also offered Davis.

This is fantastic, but could we see those peer-reviewed journals just
for the heck of it?