Coffee grinder questions...
In, FERRANTE > wrote:
> French press question. Once the coffee has been made, don't you have
> to pour the entire amount into another container? Won't the trapped
> coffee, at the bottom, make the coffee too strong after a while?
Yes, that can happen.
> I recently bought a small French Press off Ebay, but I am yet to use
> it. Soon. Also, what is the difference between coffee produced that
> way as opposed to a drip grind?
French press shares, with some other methods, the characteristic of
wetting all of the grounds with all of the water for the entire brew
cycle. When you combine that characteristic with the ability to make the
water the proper temperature, you have a lot of control over how the
coffee will turn out.
Drip works fine too - with the caveat that the vast majority of drip
makers are garbage. Very few of them get the water hot enough, and even
fewer of them disperse the water over the grounds completely. Instead,
they just drip it all in the middle, overextracting some of the coffee
while underextracting most of it.
That being said, drip coffee can be delicious, and is very different in
texture from presspot coffee. Drip coffee is sparkling clear (if you use
a paper filter) while presspot coffee has a lot of suspended solids in it.
some people have a strong preferance for one or the other.
....I'm an air-conditioned gypsy...
- The Who