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Default Thanksgiving Dinner Time?

In article <f3ebe507-8b51-4b95-a693-a891fbeb03a1>, says...
> On Nov 21, 6:59 am, "Woolstitcher" > wrote:
> > What time to you serve Thanksgiving dinner? I'm just wondering what other
> > ppl do
> > This year we will be going to breakfast at a friends, then to the Zoo and
> > then home for dinner. I think we will have dinner this year around 5 or 6.

> Welll....we SAID 1:30 this year, but that's about the time the guests
> started arriving. (My brother runs on a clock that's about an hour to
> three hours slower than everyone else's.)
> When I was growing up, it was around "dinner time" i.e between six and
> seven p.m.Then we experimented with having it at about 3 in the
> afternoon and liked not feeling so full by the time we went to bed.
> It also allowed time to go for a nice walk after dinner and before
> pie, and have it still be light out.
> This year, we sat down at about ten past two, which was the earliest
> we've ever managed.
> Melissa

This year I nailed it perfectly. Told everyone to be here for dinner at
4PM and sure enough, turkey was done by 3:30PM as was everything else.
Re-heated the butternut squash and broccoli casserole while I was
carving up the bird.

As I've posted before, this had to be one of the best Thanksgiving
gatherings we've ever had.

I found out what happened to my friend from Atlanta. She tried renting a
car with a debit card and it kept declining. Turns out new consumer
protection rules shorten the hold period on debit cards to 5 days while
credit cards are 30 days.

They should have made it 10 days like it used to be.