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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default NeedHelpMakingStrufoli

I have just been unsuccesful AGAIN in making strufoli. After frying, my
little clusters are cake like instead of crisp. I've tried different
amounts of flour to no avail. Made these years ago with my grandmother
and my kids love them. Anyone know why I can't get the batter right?
Wanted to surprise the kids for Christmas!


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  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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I have just been unsuccesful AGAIN in making strufoli. After frying, my
little clusters are cake like instead of crisp. I've tried different
amounts of flour to no avail. Made these years ago with my grandmother
and my kids love them. Anyone know why I can't get the batter right?
Wanted to surprise the kids for Christmas!


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  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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I have just been unsuccesful AGAIN in making strufoli. After frying, my
little clusters are cake like instead of crisp. I've tried different
amounts of flour to no avail. Made these years ago with my grandmother
and my kids love them. Anyone know why I can't get the batter right?
Wanted to surprise the kids for Christmas!


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  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
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The loaded question is how hot is the oil and are you deep frying
them? If the oil is extremely hot you will likely get crisp, and if it
is NOT you will get cake. That said, it will NOT be the flour used,
but rather some other ingredient. Noodles are flour and water, or
flour and water and egg. Spring Roll wrappers are the same. You can
make these with any type of flour. So it is NOT the flour if it comes
out like cake, but rather the baking powder or yeast or something else
that is causing a bit of rise, and the impact of that rise on the
texture. If the oil is really hot when you deep fry you will get crisp
because the heat will limit the amount of rise even with baking
powder, and immediately kill the rise from yeast.

The temperature you get oil up to and the ease with which you can keep
it up there depend in measure on where you live, the type of stove or
heating provided to the oil, and the local rules. I live in a high
rise condo where the voltage is limited to 108 instead of 120 because
the building has elevators, and the elevators work on 108. Lower
voltage means it takes longer for the stove to get to a high
temperature and makes it harder to keep that temperature up there.
Gas does not have that problem, but we do not have the choice here. So
it depends on your location, etc. as to what you can do and how you
can do it. How similar is your stove to that your mother used back
then? Did she use gas while you use electricity? Think back and see if
you can figure it out... and have fun trying again and again and again
until you get it right...

On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 04:06:57 +0000, Joanne wrote:

>I have just been unsuccesful AGAIN in making strufoli. After frying, my
>little clusters are cake like instead of crisp.

R.S. (Bob) Heuman - Toronto, ON, Canada
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  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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The loaded question is how hot is the oil and are you deep frying
them? If the oil is extremely hot you will likely get crisp, and if it
is NOT you will get cake. That said, it will NOT be the flour used,
but rather some other ingredient. Noodles are flour and water, or
flour and water and egg. Spring Roll wrappers are the same. You can
make these with any type of flour. So it is NOT the flour if it comes
out like cake, but rather the baking powder or yeast or something else
that is causing a bit of rise, and the impact of that rise on the
texture. If the oil is really hot when you deep fry you will get crisp
because the heat will limit the amount of rise even with baking
powder, and immediately kill the rise from yeast.

The temperature you get oil up to and the ease with which you can keep
it up there depend in measure on where you live, the type of stove or
heating provided to the oil, and the local rules. I live in a high
rise condo where the voltage is limited to 108 instead of 120 because
the building has elevators, and the elevators work on 108. Lower
voltage means it takes longer for the stove to get to a high
temperature and makes it harder to keep that temperature up there.
Gas does not have that problem, but we do not have the choice here. So
it depends on your location, etc. as to what you can do and how you
can do it. How similar is your stove to that your mother used back
then? Did she use gas while you use electricity? Think back and see if
you can figure it out... and have fun trying again and again and again
until you get it right...

On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 04:06:57 +0000, Joanne wrote:

>I have just been unsuccesful AGAIN in making strufoli. After frying, my
>little clusters are cake like instead of crisp.

R.S. (Bob) Heuman - Toronto, ON, Canada
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  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Hey Thanks,
Grandma always made the "dough" and we girls always did the frying.
Memory fails me on the type of gas/electric stove or pan used.
However, since my dough seemed "right" I'm going to try again using my
wok which I can maintain a temp. on. I HATE my gas stove!

I am new to this newsgroup - I do appreciate your response!


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  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
Jenn Ridley
Posts: n/a

Joanne > wrote:

>Hey Thanks,
>Grandma always made the "dough" and we girls always did the frying.
>Memory fails me on the type of gas/electric stove or pan used.
>However, since my dough seemed "right" I'm going to try again using my
>wok which I can maintain a temp. on. I HATE my gas stove!

Use a candy thermometer to check the oil temperature.

Controlling oil temperature should be easier on a gas range than on an
electric range. A gas burner will put out the same amount of heat all
the time. An electric burner cycles on and off.

I've had *much* better luck deep-frying on a gas stove than on an
electric stove.
Jenn Ridley :
  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
Jenn Ridley
Posts: n/a

Joanne > wrote:

>Hey Thanks,
>Grandma always made the "dough" and we girls always did the frying.
>Memory fails me on the type of gas/electric stove or pan used.
>However, since my dough seemed "right" I'm going to try again using my
>wok which I can maintain a temp. on. I HATE my gas stove!

Use a candy thermometer to check the oil temperature.

Controlling oil temperature should be easier on a gas range than on an
electric range. A gas burner will put out the same amount of heat all
the time. An electric burner cycles on and off.

I've had *much* better luck deep-frying on a gas stove than on an
electric stove.
Jenn Ridley :
  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

> Anyone know why I can't get the batter right?
> Wanted to surprise the kids for Christmas!

I hope you are able to read Italian (I don't speak english very well and so
Ican write my recipeonly italian).
From my web site:

Uno dei più tipici dolci natalizi, immancabile sulle tavole imbandite
per il cenone della vigilia. L'esecuzione non è velocissima ma relativamente
semplice (a condizione di avere un minimo di dimestichezza con la frittura).
Quella che segue è la ricetta tradizionalmente seguita dalla mia famiglia
caratterizzata dall'assenza di agenti lievitanti e struffoli particolarmente
croccanti. Nel caso li si preferiscano più gonfi, si può aggiungere
all'impasto un pizzico di bicarbonato o di ammoniaca per dolci. In questo
caso, ricordarsi di rispettare assolutamente il riposo della pasta di
qualche ora prima di formare gli struffoli.

Difficoltà: media

Tempo di preparazione: 20 minuti più il tempo di cottura della pasta

Attrezzatura: spianatoia per impastare, una padella piuttosto larga ,
un coltello bene affilato.

Tipo di portata: Dolce

Porzioni: per dieci persone

Farina 400 gr ,
Uova 4 ,
zucchero 2 cucchiai ,
burro o, preferibilmente, strutto 25 gr,
1 bicchierino di anice,
Scorza di mezzo limone grattuggiata
Scorza di mezzo arancio grattuggiata
Sale un pizzico
olio o strutto per friggere

Per condire e decora
Miele 400 gr ,
confettini colorati (a napoli si chiamano "diavulilli"
Confettini cannellini, confettini che all'interno contengono aromi
alla cannella
confettini argentati ,
100 gr di arancia candita, 100 gr di cedro candito, 50 gr di zucca
candita (a Napoli si chiama "cocozzata") preferibilmente comprata a pezzi
grossi e tagliata al momento dell'uso, cercando di evitare quella venduta
già tagliata nei supermercati che sa davvero di poco.

Impastare bene tutti gli ingredienti e lasciare riposare l'impasto
alcune ore, in una ciotola coperta da uno strofinaccio.
Reimpastare velocemente e stendere l'impasto come per gli gnocchi,
formando cioè dei grissini e tagliandoli in pezzetti grossi più o meno
quanto una nocciola e dispondendoli sul tagliere ben infarinato e
spolverandoli di farina in modo da non farli attaccare l'uno con l'altro.
Al momento di friggerli (preferibilmente in strutto), porli in un
setaccio e scuoterli in modo da eliminare la farina in eccesso. Friggere gli
struffoli un po' per volta, stando attenti a non fare scaldare troppo l'olio
(gli struffoli annerirebbero diventando amari). Durante la frittura, stare
bene attenti alle bolle di schiuma che si formano nell'olio caldo in seguito
al contatto della farina di cui sono impregnati gli struffoli. Per evitare
che l'olio strasbordi è meglio dotarsi di un ventaglio e "sventolare" la
padella: questo aiuterà a non far formare delle bolle troppo grandi evitando
pericolose cadute di olio sulla fiamma.
Una volta cotti - gli struffoli devono assumere un aspetto dorato ma
non particolarmente colorito - tirarli fuori dall'olio con una schiumarola e
porli in un piatto coperto da carta assorbente (per questa operazione
sarebbe meglio usare carta paglia ma, in mancanza, ci si puù accontentare di
carta da cucina).
Preparare poi il miele versandolo in una pentola abbastanza capiente e
facendolo scaldare a bassa temperatura fino a quando non si sia liquefatto
(attenzione anche qui a non farlo bruciare). Versarvi quindi dentro gli
struffoli e mescolarli fino a quando non si siano bene impregnati di miele.
Versare quindi un terzo circa dei confettini e della frutta candita tagliata
a pezzettini e mescolare delicatamente.
Prendere quindi il piatto di portata, mettetevi al centro un barattolo
di vetro vuoto (serve per facilitare la formazione del buco centrale) e
disporre gli struffoli tutt'intorno a questi (usando anche le mani, se
necessario, purchè leggermente bagnate) in modo da formare una ciambella.
Poi, a miele ancora caldo, prendere i confettini e la frutta candita
restanti e spargerla sugli struffoli in modo da cercare di ottenere un
effetto esteticamente gradevole.
Quando il miele si sarà solidificato, togliere delicatamente il
barattolo dal centro del piatto e servite gli struffoli.

Merry christmas

Meglio muri' sazio 'ca campa' a dijuno

icq 325215944

  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dave Bell
Posts: n/a

gennarino wrote:
> "Joanne"
>> Anyone know why I can't get the batter right?
>>Wanted to surprise the kids for Christmas!

> I hope you are able to read Italian (I don't speak english very well and so
> Ican write my recipeonly italian).
> From my web site:

I can't read Italian (still blame my sainted mother for not teaching me
at least a little!), and automatic translation is pretty poor, but here
is Babelfish's attept. (Perhaps more for humor than usefulness!)

One of most typical christmas cakies, immancabile on the imbandite
tables for the cenone of the eve. L'esecuzione is not fastest but
relatively simple (on condition of having a minimum of familiarity with
the frittura). That one that follows is the prescription traditionally
continuation from my characterized family dall'assenza of leaveing
agents and struffoli particularly croccanti. In the case they prefer
themselves more swell, a pizzico of bicarbonate or ammonia for cakies
can be added all'impasto. In this case, to remember itself to absolutely
respect the rest of the paste of some hour before forming the struffoli.

Difficulty: average
Time of preparation: 20 minuteren more the time than baking of the paste
Equipment: spianatoia in order to paste, one rather wide frying pan, a
well sharpenned knife.
Type of capacity: Cake
Portions: for ten persons

Flour 400 gr,
Eggs 4,
sugar 2 spoons,
butter or, preferibilmente, strutto 25 gr,
1 drink of anise,
Rind of average grattuggiata lemon
grattuggiata means Rind orange
Know them a pizzico oil or strutto in order to fry

In order to flavor and to decorate:
Honey 400 gr,
confettini colors to you (to Naples is called "diavulilli"
Confettini cannellini, confettini that all'interno they contain aromas
to the cinnamon
confettini silverplates to you,
100 gr of candita orange,
100 gr of candito cedar,
50 gr of zucca candita (to Naples is called "cocozzata") preferibilmente
bought to large pieces and cut to the moment dell'uso, trying to avoid
that one sold already cut in the supermarkets that it knows indeed little.

To paste all well the ingredients and to leave to rest l'impasto some
hours, in one ciotola covered from one dust cloth.
Reimpastare fastly and to spread l'impasto like for the gnocchi, forming
that is of the grissini and cutting them in pezzetti large more or less
how much one nocciola and dispondendoli on very infarinato tagliere and
dusting them of flour so as to not to make to attack them l'uno with
At the moment to fry them (in strutto preferibilmente), porli in a sieve
and to shake them so as to to eliminate the flour in excess.
To fry the struffoli a po' for time, being attention not to make to
scaldare too much l'olio (the struffoli they would blacken becoming
During the frittura, to be well attention to the foam bubbles that are
formed nell'olio warm as a result of the contact of the flour of which
they are impregnates the struffoli to you.
In order to avoid that l'olio strasbordi it is better to equip itself
than a fan and "sventolare" the frying pan: this will help not to make
to form of the too much large bubbles avoiding dangerous oil falls on
the flame.

Once cooked - the struffoli must assume a golden aspect but not
particularly coloured - to pull them outside dall'olio with one
schiumarola and porli in a plate covered from absorbent paper (for this
operation it would be better to use paper straw but, in lack, puù us to
please itself of paper from kitchen).

To prepare the honey then pouring it in a enough capiente pot and making
it to scaldare to low temperature until when attention is not liquified
(also not to make to burn it here). To pour to you therefore within the
struffoli and to stir them until when they are not well impregnate you
of honey. To pour therefore a third party approximately of the
confettini and the candita fruit cut pezzettini and stirring delicately.

To take therefore the capacity plate, you put to the center an empty jar
(servants in order to facilitate the formation of the hole centers them)
and to arrange the struffoli tutt'intorno to these (using also the
hands, if necessary, purchè leggermente bathed) so as to to form one
rubber ring. Then, to still warm honey, to take confettini and the
fruits candita remaining and to scatter it on the aesthetically
gradevole struffoli so as to to try to obtain an effect.

When the honey is made solid, to delicately remove the jar from the
center of the plate and the struffoli served.


  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dave Bell
Posts: n/a

gennarino wrote:
> "Joanne"
>> Anyone know why I can't get the batter right?
>>Wanted to surprise the kids for Christmas!

> I hope you are able to read Italian (I don't speak english very well and so
> Ican write my recipeonly italian).
> From my web site:

I can't read Italian (still blame my sainted mother for not teaching me
at least a little!), and automatic translation is pretty poor, but here
is Babelfish's attept. (Perhaps more for humor than usefulness!)

One of most typical christmas cakies, immancabile on the imbandite
tables for the cenone of the eve. L'esecuzione is not fastest but
relatively simple (on condition of having a minimum of familiarity with
the frittura). That one that follows is the prescription traditionally
continuation from my characterized family dall'assenza of leaveing
agents and struffoli particularly croccanti. In the case they prefer
themselves more swell, a pizzico of bicarbonate or ammonia for cakies
can be added all'impasto. In this case, to remember itself to absolutely
respect the rest of the paste of some hour before forming the struffoli.

Difficulty: average
Time of preparation: 20 minuteren more the time than baking of the paste
Equipment: spianatoia in order to paste, one rather wide frying pan, a
well sharpenned knife.
Type of capacity: Cake
Portions: for ten persons

Flour 400 gr,
Eggs 4,
sugar 2 spoons,
butter or, preferibilmente, strutto 25 gr,
1 drink of anise,
Rind of average grattuggiata lemon
grattuggiata means Rind orange
Know them a pizzico oil or strutto in order to fry

In order to flavor and to decorate:
Honey 400 gr,
confettini colors to you (to Naples is called "diavulilli"
Confettini cannellini, confettini that all'interno they contain aromas
to the cinnamon
confettini silverplates to you,
100 gr of candita orange,
100 gr of candito cedar,
50 gr of zucca candita (to Naples is called "cocozzata") preferibilmente
bought to large pieces and cut to the moment dell'uso, trying to avoid
that one sold already cut in the supermarkets that it knows indeed little.

To paste all well the ingredients and to leave to rest l'impasto some
hours, in one ciotola covered from one dust cloth.
Reimpastare fastly and to spread l'impasto like for the gnocchi, forming
that is of the grissini and cutting them in pezzetti large more or less
how much one nocciola and dispondendoli on very infarinato tagliere and
dusting them of flour so as to not to make to attack them l'uno with
At the moment to fry them (in strutto preferibilmente), porli in a sieve
and to shake them so as to to eliminate the flour in excess.
To fry the struffoli a po' for time, being attention not to make to
scaldare too much l'olio (the struffoli they would blacken becoming
During the frittura, to be well attention to the foam bubbles that are
formed nell'olio warm as a result of the contact of the flour of which
they are impregnates the struffoli to you.
In order to avoid that l'olio strasbordi it is better to equip itself
than a fan and "sventolare" the frying pan: this will help not to make
to form of the too much large bubbles avoiding dangerous oil falls on
the flame.

Once cooked - the struffoli must assume a golden aspect but not
particularly coloured - to pull them outside dall'olio with one
schiumarola and porli in a plate covered from absorbent paper (for this
operation it would be better to use paper straw but, in lack, puù us to
please itself of paper from kitchen).

To prepare the honey then pouring it in a enough capiente pot and making
it to scaldare to low temperature until when attention is not liquified
(also not to make to burn it here). To pour to you therefore within the
struffoli and to stir them until when they are not well impregnate you
of honey. To pour therefore a third party approximately of the
confettini and the candita fruit cut pezzettini and stirring delicately.

To take therefore the capacity plate, you put to the center an empty jar
(servants in order to facilitate the formation of the hole centers them)
and to arrange the struffoli tutt'intorno to these (using also the
hands, if necessary, purchè leggermente bathed) so as to to form one
rubber ring. Then, to still warm honey, to take confettini and the
fruits candita remaining and to scatter it on the aesthetically
gradevole struffoli so as to to try to obtain an effect.

When the honey is made solid, to delicately remove the jar from the
center of the plate and the struffoli served.

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