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Default NY Strip steaks, tenderizer needed?

> "GT" poofed:
>"Ignoramus31546" > wrote in message
>> I bought some NY strip steaks for $3.99 per lb on sale yesterday.
>> It looked like fresh meat, but possibly not as tender as it could be,
>> just a hunch.
>> I want to grill them.
>> I recently bought a mechanical "meat tenderizer" that is like 16 forks
>> joined together (google for "jaccard tenderizer"), that pierces
>> meat. Also I bought some chemical tenderizer powder in a little
>> bottle.
>> My question is, would I benefit from, say, sprinkling over that
>> chemical tenderizer, then piercing meat with the mechanical one,
>> letting it stay for say 10 minutes, and THEN grilling?
>> Would that be helpful or would it be an overkill for NY Strip steak?
>> Or should I just grill it with usual spices?

>I have never had to tenderize a NY Strip steak before (but we are spoiled by
>our Alberta beef, so YMMV elsewhere). That cut of meat isn't overly tender,
>but normally does not require any preparation - it is more tender than a
>sirloin (typical house steak of most restaurants), but not a good as the
>rib, T-bone etc. cuts. If you like your steaks marinated (though a NY
>strips claim to fame is it's naturally great flavor and normally just needs
>a bit of salt/pepper etc), use a liquid that also tenderizes, like beer,
>wine etc.

What a slew of ****ing meat morons... haven't a clue what they're spouting off
about. There's no need to ever tenderize any cut from the short loin,
regardless of grade. I'm certain the *only* beef any of yoose know is
stupidmarket mystery ground.

The only time strip steak is tough is because it's over cooked - no amount of
tenderizing will compensate.

Or perhaps yoose slimely little putz nibblers need to invest in a set of
choppers.. can't always gum your meat.

New York steak
Also known as New York strip steak and shell steak, this cut of meat comes from
the most tender section of beef, the SHORT LOIN. It's the boneless top loin
muscle and is equivalent to a PORTERHOUSE steak minus tenderloin and bone.
Depending on the region, it's also marketed as Delmonico steak, Kansas City
(strip) steak, shell steak, sirloin club steak and strip steak . This tender
cut may be broiled, grilled or sautéed.

© Copyright Barron's Educational Services, Inc. 1995
based on THE FOOD LOVER'S COMPANION, 2nd edition, by Sharon Tyler Herbst.

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