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Default Chicago Cubs Pennant Menu?

On Thu, 09 Oct 2003 04:46:10 GMT, "Kate B" >

>It's all a dream ..... but still there is objective evidence that the Cubs
>*are* in the pennant race. I don't want to jinx the whole thing by having
>the temerity to throw a Chicago themed party but .... I am going to do the
>unthinkable and *do* it. So far I am planning on Shrimp de Jonge and
>Chicken Vesuvio for the adults as the main courses. Vienna hot dogs on
>steamed buns with neon green relish and mustard and celery salt for the kids
>... for giggles I'd do smoky links for the kids also but I haven't see them
>in years (are these still made/sold?).
>I am having problems with appetizers, side dishes and desserts. These
>obviously need a Chicago theme but other than an Eli's style cheesecake (did
>I mention that I am not overly fond of cheesecake?) I am blanking on the
>Any thoughts?

It's just my opinion, but I'd do a menu from a corner beef and dog
joint. Vienna dogs, Scalla's beef, Bobak's polish. Rosens buns,
french frys. Onion rings and deep fried mushrooms. Italian ice.

You know the rest. Just my .02. You need to leave time so you can
watch the cubbies kick lots-of-ass.

Gar <------only a fair weather sports fan. never watches otherwise.