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Default Kosher salt in Kyoto or Osaka?

Mark Thorson wrote:
> wrote:
> >
> > Anyone know somewhere in Kyoto or Osaka - some kind of international
> > grocery, I'd assume - that might carry some good ol' kosher salt? Best
> > lead I had was Meidi-ya in Kyoto, around Kawaramachisanjo, but that
> > didn't pan out. And my google-fu has been no help either, alas.

> If nothing else works, you might call the
> Israeli embassy in Tokyo. I'm sure someone
> there would know if it was available locally.
> Is there even one synagogue in Japan?

There are synagogues in japan but most do not appear to have any Jewish
people left in the community. Because the japanese were partners with
nazi germany, this put the Jewish in a precarious situation. Most left
for China or other lands. Any other place. Even to this day, there is a
great deal of anti-Jewish literature there, which is surprising since
there are not any Jewish people left - a few hundred?

But I found one synagogue in Tokyo. The information is coming from the
Israeli embassy, which you had originally suggested for contact:

TOKYO There are 160 Jewish family members of the Jewish Community. of
Jewish Community Center, 8-8 Hiroo, 3-Chome, Shibuya-ku, 150. Tel:
3400-2559 Fax (03) 3400-1827. Pres.: E. Salomon.
Synagogue: Beth David Syn. is in the Com. Centre premises. Services
held Fri. evg., 6.30 p.m. (7.00 summer); Shabbat morn., 9.30 a.m.,
and on Holy-days & festivals. Rabbi James Lebeau.
Kosher: Kosher meals availlable in the Community Centre premises,
Advance notification requested. [I guess this is the place for kosher
Israel Embassy, 3 Niban-cho Chiyodaku. Tel: 3264-0311.