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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Kosher salt in Kyoto or Osaka?

Steve Wertz wrote:
> On 23 Apr 2006 03:08:48 -0700, wrote:
> > So, I've recently moved to Japan, and while I brought most of the
> > spices and seasonings I like to use, I neglected me salt because.. I
> > figured it'd be no problem to find a box of Morton (or its equivalent).
> > This is.. a false thing, and it has lead me into despair.
> >
> > Anyone know somewhere in Kyoto or Osaka - some kind of international
> > grocery, I'd assume - that might carry some good ol' kosher salt? Best
> > lead I had was Meidi-ya in Kyoto, around Kawaramachisanjo, but that
> > didn't pan out. And my google-fu has been no help either, alas.

> Japan doesn't have any salt mines, and the only usable salt is
> from the sea. I suspect that kosher salt isn't worth shipping to
> Japan since they have plenty of sea salt available.

Matters not whether Japan has no salt mines (I won't even botrher to
check). Not all salt is mined... and many parts of the world need to
import salt.... even in the US salt is shipped great distances, no
biggie to ship salt. And in fact all salt is sea salt... any pinhead
realizes mined salt is sea salt and that table salt is simply purified
sea salt..