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Frappe: Italian carnival biscuits
Another typical carnival sweet thing is "Castagnole" (smal balls which you
fry in very hot oil). Do you know it?
> ha scritto nel messaggio
> Frappe o Chiacchere
> Serves/Yields: 6 /8
> Prep. Time: 20 min + sitting time
> Cook Time: 4 / 5 minutes
> Category: Desserts, Holidays, Cakes & Pastries, This and That, European
> Difficulty: Easy
> Introduction
> Frappe, galani ,bugie, cenci, chiacchiere, same name for this sweet
> threat. This is probably one of the oldest dessert called "frictilia"
> during the roma empire. Nowaday is the most popular dessert for
> Carnival.
> Ingredients
> 1 1/2 cups flour
> 2 eggs
> 1 oz lard (you can use butter, but it's not the same)
> 1Tbsp granulated_sugar
> 1/2 tsp grated lemon zest
> 1/4 cup white wine
> pinch of salt
> Confectioners' sugar
> Oil for frying
> Directions
> Make a well in the flour, add the eggs, the lard, and a little bit of
> the wine, the lemon zest and a pinch of salt. Start kneading, adding
> the rest of the wine , until you get a smooth dough. If it is too dry,
> add more wine. Let sit for an hour, wrapped in a kitchen cloth, in a
> dry cool place. On a floured surface ,roll the dough into a thin layer,
> (1/10") with a rolling pin. With a pasry wheel, cut into stripes about
> 1" wide and 4" long. You can also make different shape like S, even
> make a tie, just follow your fantasy. Fry in batches, a few at a time,
> in plenty of oil, until golden brown. Drain on absorbent paper toweling
> and sprinkle with confectioners sugar. You can serve them hot or at
> room temperature. They last for a couple of days if stored in a paper
> bag,(an airtight container would be best) but i'm sure there won't be
> any leftovers to save when served to your guests...
> source: - Quick and easy international recipes