Thread: Pizza Dough
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  #34 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Try Charles Van Over's "The Best Bread Ever" for THE WAY in your food
processor. Also highly recommended are Peter Rineharts's fine works
on breads.

Three cheers for thick stones. The only way to go.

Run your over up as HIGH as it will go; typically this will be only
about 550 but with a thick stone and at least an hour preheat you will
get closer to the real thing found in the brick ovens.

Weigh your ingredients, stick to maybe 68% hydration on pizza dough.
Skip the oil. Go easy on the yeast, and no sugar. Forget about

We spent 3 weeks in Italy last fall and I was pleased to visit quite a
few pizzerias. I talked my way into the back room of several just to
witness exactly how they do it. The best pizza we had there came from
a place in Tuscany where I watched the guys grab balls of dough, slam
'em down on the counter, give 'em about 6 or 7 quick rolls in several
directions with the french pin, and whip out a ready to go pizza in
about 20 seconds. Into the hearth oven and no more than about 3
minutes later out comes a smoking hot beautifully cooked pizza.


By the way, is there a general consensus that the Fibraments are pretty
much the way to go? This stuff is actually in many commercial ovens as
the decking, I believe, yes?