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  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Ariane replied to Sheldon:

>> Yeah, well... you're not Chinese. LOL

> But I am. And this is the first I've heard of using only the yolk in
> fried rice. Most people I know use the whole egg in fried rice, hot and
> sour soup, etc. including myself. And it can be stir-fried separately
> from the rice OR stir-fried with it, it varies according to who's making
> it. An aunt of mine does it the omelet way--cooking it into a thin
> pancake and then cooling it before julienning it for a garnish. Other
> aunts of mine simply scramble it with the rice so that it forms small
> chunks mixed in with everything else. Less elegant, perhaps, but it's
> faster and it tastes just as good.
> Then again, you're also the same person who claimed few procedures in
> Asian cuisine takes longer than 3 minutes and that wasn't true, either.

If I may, allow me to anticipate Sheldon's response: "You're not Chinese, no
Chinese would ever do it the way your fercocktah illiterate six-fingered
inbred mongoloid Filipina house monkeys do it. Your taste is in your ass and
you no makee flied lice. Ahahahahahahahahah"

....but that's just the way Sheldon is: ignorant, but predictable.
