Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> That was part of my haul and I'm thinking of making it up for tomorrow's
> supper - Niece Patty may join us, may not.
> Do I have to put mussels in it? I could but don't want to spend the
> money.
> Can I put some tilapia in it (I bought a bunch at Sam's and froze
> parcels)?
> I'm At the moment I'm thinking shrimps, scallops (frozen and on sale
> at Cub this week), and the e tilapia. Is that enough?
> The sauce looks thickish -- can I thin it
> with some red wine (Three Buck Chuck Cabernet) or tomato juice or
> turkey broth? I might have a light riesling around. Would I get fired
> if I used that?
> I'm thinking Italian bread from Brianno's to accompany.
> What say ye? I await your counsel and advise.
gloria p