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Gregory Morrow
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MareCat wrote:

> "aem" > wrote in message
> > Serendipity wrote:
> > > I discovered Cost Plus World Market yesterday. That place is totally
> > > awesome! [snip enthusiastic recap]

> >
> > The ones in California also have pretty extensive international wine
> > sections. I've also sampled some of the coffees. Tomato paste and
> > anchovy paste and pesto in tubes. Italian pasta. Dishes for Japanese
> > and Chinese food, pasta bowl sets. Placemats from around the world.
> > Good selection of vinegars. Candies, cookies, biscuits.

> Sounds identical to the CPWM stores in the Houston area. The wines are
> usually a good value, but the international foods tend to be pricier than
> the same foods in the regular or ethnic supermarkets in this area.

Mine (Chicawgo) has a lot of European/UK stuff, e.g. British Heinz soups and
such...this past xmas they had decent Dresdener Stollen (German holiday
cake) for $3.99...not too bad for the price...

They sometimes have a nice sale table, I snarfed up some nice candles a
whiles back for about half - price or less...

Their gift wrap is stylish and decently - priced, too...and I buy picture
frames and mats there also.

CPWM reminds of how Pier One used to be years ago, before Pier One went all
upscale and yuppie.

A number of friends love the place, so it's easy to shop for them for
holidays/b'days - get 'em a gift card from CPWM :-)
