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> wrote in message
> Ok so I just got a wok last night and have done two meals on it.
> Both came out really well. What I'm experiementing with is how hot
> this thing should be. I have an electric stove and after reading
> that these aren't hot enough I figured I better put mine on high.
> But when doing that the peanut oil burns easily. What I've tried
> so far is keeping the heat on med-high and then pulling the wok
> off the burner when I detect burning oil and then back on again to
> maintin the heat. I've also tried putting the ingredients in one
> at a time, taking the previous one out and letting thw wok come back
> up to temp before putting the next in.
> I might think about getting a gas burner for outside cooking but
> not sure if that would be more trouble than its worth.
> Jesse

I can't believe there is such a thing as too hot a fire under a wok, after
eating in streetside restaurants in Taipei years back.
You could smelt ore on those roaring blue flames over those huge earth
beehive firepots. We are talking air-injected wide-as-a-wok four foot high
blue flame towers here. There are a couple burners each in those little

Odd part is, it seems efficient - you get your individually cooked order
very quickly, like as in you pay and almost pick it up just after pocketing
change, a couple words and now - as does the other twenty people in line
I would bet the house that if they left the wok on the flame for any time
at all, in minutes it would turn red and yellow and melt.
My propane boil-your-turkey-in-oil outdoor big-time cooker doesn't have
half as much heat.

One guy put the stuff in dishes and moved it to the next guy who does
the wok cooking - he shakes the wok over the flame, or two woks over two
flames (if it needs it, I guess) stirs as required, and if there ever was a
grease fire, no one could tell because the couple tablespoons of grease gets
blasted to dust in the flame tower and blown out the stack.

Hell of a sight after being used to western cooking where we slowly heat
the utensil to fry.

So I would guess its not the heat source per se, its the time in a big
enough heat source that counts.


They put your stuff