Thread: Grand Daughters
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Dave Smith[_39_] Dave Smith[_39_] is offline
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Posts: 837
Default Grand Daughters

On Wed, 09 Jun 2021 04:53:22 +1000, Dave Smith >

>On Tue, 8 Jun 2021 07:19:06 -0700 (PDT), GM
> wrote:
>>This current crop of marxist dems do not respect the rule of law, they'll lie, cheat, and
>>steal from their grandmothers in order to "win" an election - or
>>achieve any other of their dubious "goals"...they've now got control
>>of the MSM, institutions, social media, academia, etc...their tactics
>>are straight from Lenin's playbook...

>Every country has a few mental patients who say things like this*.
>That's not a problem. They can either continue to live independently,
>or they're institutionalised. The problem in the US is that there are
>so many of them. Trump won the election, but it was stolen from him by
>Marxists. Yeah, right.
>*There's a Dutch rapper (yes, they exist) who thinks all supermarket
>food has had chemicals added to it that make people not realise covid
>is a hoax. "Don't buy your food from the supermarket!"

Ask them, theyre here. "You can stop saying that now. Thank you."
Not Dave Smith