Nearly every single Army National Guard Soldier turns their backsto Joe Biden as he drives past.
On 2021-01-29 12:00 a.m., Graham wrote:
> On Fri, 29 Jan 2021 14:10:42 +1100, Master Bruce wrote:
>>> Workers should be respected and not abused but a union is not going to
>>> fix that. The workers could if they really wanted to. And pay no dues.
>> Without unions, we go back to Dickensian times, to unbridled,
>> capitalism, to barbarism.
> Exactly!!
> I'm opposed to the NEED for unions!
I think unions here were in their hey days in the 70s and they still had
to push. I had a summer in an alloy smelting plant and that was a very
hot, dangerous place to work. Most of my bosses there were pretty good.
It wasn't just because of my father's position in another department
because they were pretty good to everyone.
One foreman was an asshole. He wanted me to go down into as tunnel and
shovel up all the material that had fallen off the conveyor belt. It was
a dirty job, but I was summer help and on the cleanup crew in that
furnace room. When the conveyor started up I climbed out. The foreman
came back and told me to go back down. It was against the safety rules.
He insisted. I refused to be down there with the belt running. Bear in
mind the reason there was a mess down there was because the chunks of
ore were falling off the belt.
He had to give me a break on that, but he tried for revenge by giving me
every dirty job there was. Then all of a sudden, he was very friendly
and giving me all the easy jobs. We even spent the best part of a shift
driving around the plant picking up various things. I learned the next
day that he had been transferred to my father's department. I made sure
Dad knew what an ass the guy had been.