Good thought; the wine was clear though. I thought it might be the
sulfites, but like I said, she has had my other wines before without having
a reaction. Now, all my windows were open in my house, maybe the breeze
brought something in which she had a reaction too. I was just wondering,
because she did ask me before I opened the bottle and passed it around. I
told her I didn't know, but she was brave and tried it anyway. After she
started sneezing though, we didn't let her have anymore, and we did move on
to another bottle - cherry I think. Who knows...?
"Ray Calvert" > wrote in message
> Amazing, I don't think pollens should have made it into the wine if it was
> clear. I don't doubt that the reaction is real but I wander what it was
> that she was reacting too?
> Ray
> "Dar V" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Hello,
>> My wine tasting get-together provided a bit more input than we all
>> thought. My friend Barb has allergies to outdoor pollens...anyway, she
>> had a small glass of my dandelion wine, and about 30 minutes later she
>> was sneezing and such. She has had my other wines before with no ill
>> effects. Needless we cut her off and she was better in a bit. Has anyone
>> else run into this? or are we just plain wrong to think this?
>> Curious in Wisconsin,
>> Darlene