Thread: Salad Dressing
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Salad Dressing

"BBQ" > wrote in message
> Hello anyone, ok, I'm preparing a steak, and with it I want a salad.
> Of course I need salad dressing as well.
> I want it creamy and rich, but without adding all of the fat, so I
> simply use a mixture of half mayonnaise and half greek yogurt. The
> greek yogurt is a healthy alternative to using all mayonnaise as there
> is less cholesterol.
> How are your salad dressings?

I love salad but not dressing. I did once get some with balsamic
vinaigrette on it and it wasn't bad but I would have preferred it not to be
on there. Only reason I didn't send it back was that it would have taken
next to forever to right it. It was at a little place in Alameda, CA that
mainly did catering. I think the place had been some sort of fast food
place back when it had been Navy housing. I just happened upon the place.
It was in an area where the general public wouldn't necessarily go or even
realize that they could go. The owner opened the place for lunch. He had
one or two specials each day plus some salads and paninis. I needed to get
back home and I wasn't particularly hungry so I tried it and it was just

I might put lemon juice on my salad or if it has Mexican type components, I
might put salsa. I will often put salt, pepper and nuts. But never
dressing. Not on green salads anyway. I do make a pasta salad with an
Italian type dressing.