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Moe DeLoughan[_2_] Moe DeLoughan[_2_] is offline
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Default Byerly's Wild Rice Soup

On 12/16/2014 9:12 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Dec 2014 10:40:26 -0600, Moe DeLoughan wrote:
>> On 12/16/2014 8:26 AM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>> I'd not want the "real deal". Thats not a recipe I'd consider, it's
>>> definitely a WASTE of expensive wild rice. This Byerly putz is pure
>>> TIAD.

>> You don't know jack about wild rice.

> You can add that to the long list of other things he doesn't know
> about but feels the need to spout off about.
>> Us native Minnesotans know all
>> about it - and, as Oregonian Haruspex mentioned, the black paddy-grown
>> cultivated 'wild' rice is garbage. The genuine hand-harvested wild
>> rice is far superior and not that much more expensive.
>> Wild rice soup is one of the classic uses of wild rice, along with its
>> use as a poultry stuffing, pilaf, and of course, the main component of
>> wild rice hotdish.

> My current, unopened bag of Moose Lake Wild Rice (not cultivated -
> looks different than other wild rices I've bought) comes with a
> leaflet of recipes including wild rice soup. It's hamburger and
> tomato based, so I think I'll pass on that one. Ground beef doesn't
> belong in soup. But some of the other recipes look decent.
> Ironically, the leaflet has a Wild Rice and Grape Salad recipe, but
> the grapes have been taken out of the recipe shown on the website
> above. I wonder if they did that because of the beating that the New
> York Times food editors received over publishing that Infamous
> Minnesota Thanksgiving Grape Salad recipe?

That would be hilarious if that's the case.

One of my uncles and one of my brothers used to harvest their own wild
rice. There's a couple of lakes where the wild rice has exceptionally
long kernels. They'd harvest that, then have it processed, and share
it with the family. It's very strenuous work to hand-harvest the rice.
My brother would pole the canoe while my uncle worked the sticks to
knock the rice into the bottom of the boat. Do that all day and you're
pretty much beat by the time you pull the canoe on shore. You often
can find other folks on shore selling the rice they've just harvested
for fairly cheap - but then you have to pay to have it processed, or
parch it yourself.