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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Byerly's Wild Rice Soup

On Tue, 16 Dec 2014 10:40:26 -0600, Moe DeLoughan >

>On 12/16/2014 8:26 AM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> On Mon, 15 Dec 2014 21:31:59 -0800, Oregonian Haruspex
>> > wrote:
>>>> I'm not sure if t
>>> Damn Unison.
>>> I'm not sure if anybody else here can claim to have had the "real deal"
>>> or not, straight from the Byerly's restaurant, and to have eaten it
>>> with Don Byerly himself, but the amount of liquid sounds appropriate.
>>> I can email my mom and ask her to snap a photo of the recipe from her
>>> vintage Byerly's cookbook (signed by Don Byerly!) just to see if
>>>'s version is authentic.

>> I'd not want the "real deal". Thats not a recipe I'd consider, it's
>> definitely a WASTE of expensive wild rice. This Byerly putz is pure
>> TIAD.

>You don't know jack about wild rice. Us native Minnesotans know all
>about it - and, as Oregonian Haruspex mentioned, the black paddy-grown
>cultivated 'wild' rice is garbage. The genuine hand-harvested wild
>rice is far superior and not that much more expensive.
>Wild rice soup is one of the classic uses of wild rice, along with its
>use as a poultry stuffing, pilaf, and of course, the main component of
>wild rice hotdish.
>Also, that wild rice soup is Byerly's signature dish. They're famous
>for it.

Then that signature is a forgery. I cook wild rice all the time and
make wild rice soup often. I have a relative in MN who sends me wild
rice... I'm working on a ten pound bag now. That recipe is S H I T!