On Mon, 25 Aug 2014 20:29:42 -0500, zxcvbob >
>On 8/25/2014 8:12 PM, cshenk wrote:
>> The Other Guy wrote in rec.food.cooking:
>>> On Mon, 25 Aug 2014 18:37:38 -0500, Janet >
>>> wrote:
>>>> I have the two cutest, nicest technicians who do my radiation.
>>>> They are so helpful, sympathetic and gentle without ever being
>>>> condescending.
>>>> If I'm feeling up to it later this week, I'd like to make them some
>>>> goodies.
>>>> I was thinking of drop cookies or bar cookies which would not be a
>>>> fuss and would be easy for them to store.
>>>> My guys are of Mexican heritage, so I don't want to make anything
>>>> ethnic, just something nice, easy for me and tasty for them.
>>>> Would appreciate any ideas, preferably those using stuff one has in
>>>> the house.
>>> I made a batch of my special oatmeal butterscotch cookies
>>> for my rad guys/girls, AND gave them a stuffed possum as
>>> a mascot. It lives on the monitor they use to do patient
>>> setup and monitoring.
>> Ahem, recipe please?
>For stuffed 'possum? (let me check my Junior League cookbooks)
Silly boy, for the cookies of course, everyone has a stuffed possum
recipe. ;-)