New finds
On 3/11/2013 12:57 PM, George Shirley wrote:
> While out shopping today we ran across another dewberry bed, this one
> just down the main drag from our home and next to a Jack In the Box.
> Have found six may haw trees on public land so far and we now have at
> least seven dewberry beds land marked. Hopefully they won't get sprayed
> or mowed before they ripen. The dewberries are in full bloom and the may
> haw trees have blooms dropping so fruit must be setting.
You must be magic. NOTHING grows wild around here.
> Still frustrated with setting up appointments with new medical
> specialists, a must do at our age and frailty but a real PITA.
Met my new dentist today; I think he's about 17, wanted so badly to call
him "Skippy". This is a very old group practice and three of the
dentists (in their 70s.)have retired or announced potential retirement
this year. I told "Skippy" that dentists and gynecologists are the
hardest to replace. ;-)
> Garden shed is finished and, as soon as this north wind quits blowing,
> we will build the raised bed garden. The fig tree is leafing out nicely
> and the blueberry plants are covered with blooms. The vegetable garden
> seeds we started in newspaper pots are breaking the soil. There is hope
> in this old house.
Magic, just magic. Wishing you a very successful growing and canning year.
gloria p