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dh@. dh@. is offline
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Default Taco Bell Pulls Super Bowl Ad Making Fun of Veggie Eaters After Veggie Eaters Complain

On Mon, 04 Feb 2013 18:03:40 -0800, Goo wrote:

>On Mon, 04 Feb 2013 19:11:26 -0500, dh@. wrote:
>>On Thu, 31 Jan 2013 23:02:40 +0000, Derek > wrote:
>>>There's at least one more vegetarian I can think of who does a pretty
>>>good job in keeping that character group alive. He's Australian, you
>>>know. From a country that probably has one of the richest reserves of
>>>humour in the world.

>> There's an Australian clown here who claims to have a PhD in math yet can't
>>comprehend a simple aspect of life we discussed in class in grade school. In the
>>grade school I went to, he probably would have been in special ed:
>>"I don't believe the distinction between "lives of positive value" and
>>"lives of negative value" means anything." - Rupert
>>unless he was lying when he wrote that. An indication that he was is that he
>>claimed to have been able to comprehend the distinction previous to his claim
>>that he can not:
>>"I said to David Harrison that there exist some farmed animals such
>>that it would be a better outcome for them to live the life they do
>>rather than for them not to live at all and for no animals to live
>>in their place." - Rupert
>>Do you think it's likely that he could comprehend at one point, and then later
>>he unlearned? If so, how do you think he unlearned? If not, why do you think he
>>started lying about it?


There's more to it than that Goob. Try again: Do you think it's likely that
Rupert could comprehend at one point, and then later he unlearned? If so, how do
you think he unlearned? If not, why do you think he started lying about it?

>you did not ever discuss in grade school how "getting to experience
>life" is a benefit.

Goober we discussed slavery in the US and the fact that some slaves were
content with their lives meaning they had positive value to them and that other
slaves had lives which they considered to be good. We discussed the fact that
the value could and did change for them too Goo. We discussed that when they
became free they often couldn't find jobs so many agreed to stay on as slaves
until things changed over the years... We discussed more than that too Goo, like
that some people would remain slaves even when life was of negative value to
them pesonally, in the hopes that things would be better for their children. But
such details are necessarily beyond the mental ability of people who don't see
how life could ever be a benefit ...LOL... to anything. It's also beyond the
ability of someone who doesn't think the distinction between lives of positive
and negative value means anything, to appreciate how the difference between
lives of positive and negative value means anything, Goo. We were doing it by
the sixth grade Goober, but Dr. Rupert claims that he can't do it at all. He
claimed that he could in the past Goo, but has either unlearned or is still able
to do it while lying that he can't. Either way seems very stupid from my pov,