Thread: Fizzy?
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winemaster winemaster is offline
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Originally Posted by Joe Pfeiffer View Post
Executive summary:

Tried a bottle of the Shiraz I made in January... it seemed just a tad
fizzy. What did I do wrong?


I started it on January 29, racked it February 3, racked again February
12. By February 14 there was no sign of activity and the SG was .996 so
I added sulfite to stabilize it; this resulted in a *huge* amount of
foam. I used a drill-mounted stirrer for a full five minutes to distribute
the sulfite. Racked again March 7. Bottled late March (I can't believe
I didn't note the date, but there you have it).

Note that my temperature controls are seriously lacking: I live in
southern New Mexico and use a swamp cooler; the room with the wine gets
seriously warm during the day starting in April.

So... tried a bottle. Pouring it, it didn't look carbonated; no visible
bubbles. But drinking it, there was just a hint of a "fizzy" feel to it
on my tongue. So, first, am I accurately thinking it feels a bit like
it wound up slightly carbonated, or could this be from something else?
Does it just need more time in the bottle? Did I do something wrong
that I need to fix next year?
Greetings all winemakers!!!

Winemaking is a hobby and should be fun!!! Like bubbles in champagne!! however nothing fun about co2 in a red wine... I have two questions for U my friend. Did u try vacuum filtering your wine ( i believe this is the best way to degass your wine.. so do all the experts!). The second Q is where did you purchase your kit!!! The winemaster will be waiting for your reply and will make sure you get answers to your Qs!! (After consulting people for 27 years I think I earned the title Winemaster). Have a grape day!!