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Default Circumventing brown sugar

On Jan 3, 12:47*pm, notbob > wrote:
> I'm getting damn tired of buying brown sugar and having it turn to
> granite in 2 mos. *Even un-opened pkgs are not immune. *So, what's an
> alternative? *If brown sugar is sugar with some molasses still in it,
> howzabout using molasses to recreate brown sugar by adding it to white
> sugar. *It all gets melted in the mix, right. *I always have some
> blackstrap around. *
> nb *--tired of tossing BS brown sugar *

I read somewhere that a cut apple will keep it fresh. I'm skeptical
about that though.

I have the opposite experience with brown sugar and have been
marveling that mine does *not* turn into a brick even after months or
a year. I was starting to think maybe they'd licked the brick
problem. Guess not.

eHow has lots of tips.
