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cocoasensations cocoasensations is offline
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Originally Posted by B Sellers View Post
hellohello wrote:
roburt;1459652 Wrote:
Chocolate is a psychoactive food. It is made from the seeds of the
tropical cacao tree, Theobroma cacao. The cacao tree was named by the
17th century Swedish naturalist, Linnaeus. The Greek term theobroma
means literally "food of the gods". Chocolate has also been called the
food of the devil; but the theological basis of this claim is obscure.

what does psychoactive mean?

Chocolate contains drugs which affect the brain just as
does coffee. You have to eat a lot of chocolate to have
as much effect as a cup of coffee and even more to get the
effects of the other psychoactive chemicals. As in coffee and
tea the minute amount of caffine and theaine(sic) art still
stimulants that work on the CNS to make you more alert for
a short time.
You would have to eat even more to get the effects
of the cannabinoid like chemicals found in chocolate and
in the cannabis sative/indica plants,
The ancient Aztecs used lots of chocolate at least
at the high end of the economic, social, religious scale
so maybe they were totally ripped on the cocoa mixed
with gound maize and honey that they consumed.

Food of the devil only in Devil's food cake.

That is because it was the food along with blood
of the Aztec gods to whom the priests who had their
own chocolate to consume as they ripped the hearts
from the victims in what is now Mexico City. All the old
gods of various native peoples were called "demons and
devils" by the worshippers of the White Christ who destroyed
the Aztec empire and enslaved its peoples.
The little mushroom is also food of the gods by the
way and its psychoactivity really has a powerful effect
on the mind or rather brain.


Thanks for this information...