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Dominic T. Dominic T. is offline
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Default Teavana the cosmetic counter for tea

On Nov 4, 8:46*am, Space Cowboy > wrote:
> I finally figured out the business model for Teavana. *Have you ever
> noticed in the mall one entry level of the department stores alway
> makes you walk through the brightly lite cosmetic counter area. *I
> pity the poor guys whose wifes or girlfriends cant resist. *The *gals
> behind the counter do the hard sell. *They have to be working on
> commission. *Everything is eye candy. *That happened to me this
> weekend. *I just so happened to walk out of a department store and
> right into Teavana. *So I am the guy at the tea cosmetic counter while
> my wife waits outside bored. *Everything at Teavana is set to catch
> your eye. *You cant get to the tea without going through an employee
> just like the cosmetics. *I am jaded as they come when it comes to tea
> shoppes. *I can see why anyone would be smitten. *I enjoy the show.
> Jim
> PS *I will say their great selection of teaware is cheaper than
> anyplace you can find it.

We go around and around on this... but I vote with my dollars, and I
vote no. I'd rather support the real good guys even if it costs a
sheckle or two more. Plus, no way can they beat Kam Man, or Ryu-Mei,
or even Border's where with a weekly coupon I can get your beloved (I
like them too) Bodum Pavinas for about $6. I just got a chawan from
Ryu Mei that is excellent and blows away any prices I've seen
anywhere, and I'm supporting a small business owner who is doing
things right. I also think you are cherry-picking the few really good
deals because there are also shockingly overpriced items and tea as
well at that beauty counter.

- Dominic