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Default Cook North Korea!

On Sun, 31 May 2009 08:36:23 -0500, Chemiker
> wrote:

>On Sat, 30 May 2009 17:47:02 -0500, Andy > wrote:
>>Cook North Korea!
>>Let's drop some big ones now!
>>How dare they threat a declaration of international war.

>Eh! Little dogs yap the loudest. They're also the most
>fun to drop-kick.
>Alex, who believes that *real* dogs are too big to fit
>in the microwave oven.

They're leader should of died a while back, but medicine is truly a
wondrous thing thus allowing him to continue his quest to have his
country vaporized.
I'm betting that someone will finish the job of removing their insane
leader from this earthly body soon, he won't be allowed to threaten
the world much longer.