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TFM®[_2_] TFM®[_2_] is offline
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Default "Uhhh.... the best auto industry in the world." --Barak Obama, 4/30/2009

"Dimitri" > wrote in message
> "TFM®" > wrote in message
> om...
>> "Dan Abel" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> In article >,
>>> "Dimitri" > wrote:
>>>> Where do you draw the line? Toyots makes cars HERE as does Nissan, and
>>>> several others. Is a Toyots from Alabama an American car?
>>> And is a Chrysler or GM vehicle made in Canada a US car?

>> Doesn't matter. It's junk compared to a Nissan or Toyota.
>> TFM®

> The last Toyota I owned Camry V6 XLE I purchased used for 16K with 30K
> miles and drove for 12 years and the transmission died @ 432,000 miles - I
> was determined to drive it till it died.
> Do that with an American car.
> Impossible.

You can drive an American made car until it dies. It just won't take nearly
as long.
My Camry shit on me at 260,000 miles, and it was the transmission. The
engine would still start and run like new.

I drive all vehicles to the junkyard. Nobody ever buys a vehicle when I'm
done with it.

I only have 105,000 on my Pathfinder and it will still pass almost
everything on the road. I don't drive it like that all the time though.
Most of the time it gets the Grandpa treatment. Then every now and then we
gotta blow the cobwebs out.

There are 2 Nissan's I can't smoke with mine, the Altima 3.5 and the 350z.
They both have the same engine as mine, but they're lighter and tuned for