Easter cometh (natural Easter egg dying)
In article
maxine > wrote:
> On Mar 1, 3:33*am, Omelet > wrote:
> > I've not made onion skin eggs since mom passed away. She's the one that
> > taught me that trick. :-) *I'm currently saving the "paper" onion skins
> > that it takes to do it as I want to teach the method to my nephews. *
> > I'll be sure to take pics this year.
> >
> > Wrap raw eggs in dry onion skins, bind with cheese cloth and cotton
> > string.
> >
> > Hard boil.
> >
> > Unwrap, let cool and coat lightly with some cooking oil.
> >
> > They really are quite lovely.
> > I'll try to take pics this year if I actually do it. It'll depend on the
> > babysitting schedule...
> >
> > Anyone else use "natural" dyes for doing Easter Eggs?
> I use onion skins all the time to differentiate my boiled from raw
> eggs (DH has a real problem telling the difference--and yes, he knows
> about spinning). I just save up the skins for a week or so, put them
> in the bottom of the pot, put the eggs on top and cover with water.
> Bring to a boil, let sit, and then quick-chill. Lovely yellow eggs.
But that won't "pattern" them like wrapping them will. :-)
> Tea bags will give the eggs a taupe color. Saffron does not give the
> shells any color. (at least, not the amount I'm willing to toss in).
> Beets will give you a lovely pale pink. Add some baking soda to the
> water and they'll turn blue.
> maxine in ri
Blue with beet juice? I'll have to try that. How much baking soda to
how much water please?
Peace! Om
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