Looking for whole pig methods
dry lay 2 courses of 8" cinder blocks in a "U" shape, leaving one end
open. Lay rebar across about every foot. Lay another course of cinder
blocks on top of the rebar. Cover the top and open end with sheet
metal. Place pig on rebar and charcoal under. Roast SLOW for 8-9 hours
to 24 hours depending on size of pig. Total cost? under $100 I think
On Sun, 21 Dec 2003 22:29:52 -0500, "Barry" >
>Have a large BGE. Since the cooking grid is only 18", I don't think that I
>can do much of a whole pig on this. Any suggestions? I'm in Miami aand lots
>of folks tell me to get a China Box. They say in was first made here.
>Is a china box a good method is there something that can be purchased for
>less than $100 to cook a pig?