"bulka" > wrote in message
> On Sep 10, 7:01 pm, Pennyaline > wrote:
>> Gregory Morrow wrote:
>> >http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/10/bu...10grocery.html
>> > The opening of smaller stores upends a long-running trend in the
>> > grocery
>> > business: building ever-larger stores in the belief that consumers want
>> > choice above all.
>> Good!! Some of these stores are soooo big it's too much of a chore to
>> get around in them. And "choice above all"? What a joke! What choice?
>> You get what they stock, and they stock what THEY choose, period.
>> Special orders? Fuggedabbouddit! Albertsons, Smiths (Kroger), Harmons
>> (local chain) all sing the same song: "We don't have enough demand for
>> that product, so we wont be ordering it for you."
>> The only downside to the loss of the megamarts is that there will be
>> even more massive empty box stores darkening commercial areas nationwide.
> Yeah
> "Our corporate management has chosen not to stock that item in the
> wharehouse. So, **** what you want."
> A ma and pa bodega would have just found a local provider. The megas
> pretending to be small, still protectecting their corporate suppliers
> - complete bullshit.
> Find a bodega or a real farmers' market while you still can.
> Bulka
I support small local business almost exclusively. Think what would happen
if we all did...