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Derek[_1_] Derek[_1_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 95
Default Tap Water VS Bottled Water

While intrepidly exploring the bowels of USENET on Tuesday, August 12,
2008, rolled initiative and posted the following:

> On Aug 11, 6:31*pm, Derek > wrote:
>> You know, I'd be insulted if that hadn't been typed by someone who
>> thinks that we breath vaporized water.

> You haven't the brains to be insulted. Ever hear of evaporation? Lets
> have your brilliant explanation for the origin of air.

Evaporation produces H20 in the air. It's still water. It doesn't
produce nitrogen or free-standing oxygen, which make up the majority
of our air.

Rewording your original premise makes you repetitive, not right.


"At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents
do not cease to be insipid." -- Friedrich Nietzsche