Chinese/Japanese way of eating soup?
"suds" wrote
>I have always been told that what you say is true in Japan. As for China,
>I have very little information other than the occasional movie, where there
>is a mixture of what you have been told and the big ceramic or plastic
>spoon. Ang Lee's famous "Eat Drink Man Woman" (unsure of the exact title)
>shows the family using chopsticks and the big spoons.
> "Slint Flig" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Hi, I have a friend who says that in China/Japan the appropriate way to
>> eat/drink soup (eg, miso soup) is to take the bowl in one hand, tip it
>> and
>> drink from it while simultaneously using the chopsticks in your right
>> hand
>> to sort of.. shovel.. the chunkier bits into your mouth.
>> He says the big spoons that are used in Western Asian restaurants are not
>> used in the East.
>> Can anybody corroborate this?
Suds, you are correct for Japan but they also use the asiatic shaped spoon
at times though less so than other parts of Asia.
Proper Japanese eating is to lift the bowl in the left hand, sip with a
slurp (not exxagurated like a kid would do but enough to show pleasure in
eating) and lift solids out with the chopsticks in the right hand. Lefties
might reverse this ;-)