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[email protected] is offline
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Posts: 2
Default New Guy Introduction

Greetings Sourdough Gods!

My name is Bill and I've been lurking around your group for the past
several weeks and feel it's time to at least introduce myself. I'm 29
years Navy, an avid home brewer, reasonably accomplished welder and
biodiesel enthusiast but a relative novice when it comes to
sourdough. (I hope to improve to at least rank-amateur status one
day...) I have a home made wood fired pizza oven at home (I'm
currently deployed to the Persian Gulf) which throws out some pretty
nice pizzas and breads, but I'm certain her full potential has yet to
be realized.

I do enjoy a group with lively discussions from people who are
passionate about their art. I was just perusing the Kitchen Scales
thread (I have a KD700 myself and use it extensively in the galley,
brewery, and in biodiesel production) and thought I had logged into
the wrong group. It looked more like a batch vs. fly sparge
discussion on rcb.

My experience with sourdough has been limited to a few failed attempts
following poor instructions (using regular baker's yeast to make a
starter) which produced tasty breads, but not what I was looking for.
Surfing through your posts of late, my numerous errors seem rather
obvious now.

I'll try to avoid asking the litany of newbie questions (I'll see what
I can find in the archives first most of the time) but if I slip up,
please accept my apologies in advance.

Again, I thought I'd just take a minute of your time and introduce
