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Default I need to have dinner guests more often

On Sat, 05 Jan 2008 12:03:34 -0500, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>Bobo Bonobo® wrote:
>> I'm in the middle of cleaning the kitchen. I know that one of my
>> personal inadequacies is that I let my stovetop go too long between
>> thorough cleanings. Whenever we have folks over, I have an extra
>> motivation to make the kitchen all sparkly clean. It never gets
>> gross, like smelly, but I do let it get a bit unsightly. Well, back
>> to work.

>I know that feeling well. I tend to be somewhat less than obsessively
>compulsive about tidiness and the kitchen tends to get cluttered. To make
>matters worse, we have an of white ceramic tile floor that shows every
>single speck of dirt, and our kitchen door is the main entrance to the
>house. With two large hairy dogs, we get a lot of paw prints and fur on the
>floor as well. Since our son was coming home for the holidays and we were
>expecting a lot of company I did a thorough cleaning, pulling out the
>fridge and stove, wiping down all the cupboards and cleaning out drawers.
>It sure looked great for about an hour. We have to vacuum the kitchen floor
>at least twice a day and mop it every day or two.

time to get rid of the dogs or send the son to bermuda for the

your pal,