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blake murphy blake murphy is offline
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Default I need to have dinner guests more often

On Sun, 06 Jan 2008 03:43:52 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
> wrote:
>Many years ago I had a friend whose kitchen had stainless steel counters
>with integral sinks. I remarked one day how they always looked spotless.
>Her secret? After basic cleaning/scrubbing, she wiped them down with a
>large wad of cheesecloth that had been saturated with miineral oil and
>wrung out. After wiping down, she used a dry ead of cheesecloth to buff
>the surface. I watched her one day, and the whole process took just a few
>miinutes from start to finish. I've never seen better looking stainless
>steel. It didn't show water spots, smudges, swipe marks, etc.

how is martha these days?

your pal,