Thread: Snack
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Default Snack

Nancy Young > wrote in

> Hahabogus wrote:
>> Nancy Young > wrote in

>> > If I was on call and actually awake, it was because I was called and
>> > pretty much stressed out. I don't understand stress eaters, being
>> > under stress makes me want to NOT eat. Big nasty projects were
>> > always great diets for me, of course it also was far better than
>> > coffee for keeping me awake shaking some 20 hours a day. Don't
>> > miss those days.

>> I liked big nasty not being in management I was one of the
>> uncontrolable things. My outlook was it needed to be done and I'll try
>> anything at least once. Never missed a deadline. Which was the important
>> thing. Aged many a manager though.

> Yeah, and the manager got the big bonus. When you work in payroll,
> you get to see how much your boss profited from you working all hours
> of the day and night. Then when the project is done, they buy you
> pizza to be eaten in a conference room. Thanks, boss.
> nancy

I was/am unionized. Many years I made more than my boss in overtime.
Working 12 hrs a day 7 days a week for months on end will do that at double
time for 44 of those hrs a week. Pays off the bills too. But Alienates the
family. And I got the Pizza too.