Thread: Snack
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Nancy Young
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Default Snack

Hahabogus wrote:
> Nancy Young > wrote in

> > If I was on call and actually awake, it was because I was called and
> > pretty much stressed out. I don't understand stress eaters, being
> > under stress makes me want to NOT eat. Big nasty projects were
> > always great diets for me, of course it also was far better than
> > coffee for keeping me awake shaking some 20 hours a day. Don't
> > miss those days.

> I liked big nasty not being in management I was one of the
> uncontrolable things. My outlook was it needed to be done and I'll try
> anything at least once. Never missed a deadline. Which was the important
> thing. Aged many a manager though.

Yeah, and the manager got the big bonus. When you work in payroll,
you get to see how much your boss profited from you working all hours
of the day and night. Then when the project is done, they buy you
pizza to be eaten in a conference room. Thanks, boss.
