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Douglas S. Ladden
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Default pombasos? mexican sandwich bread?

Meghan Noecker on 30 Oct 2003 suggested:

> When I was in Mexico a couple years ago, my friend served a sandwich
> on a bread roll that I thought she called a pombaso.

It's actually called a "pambazo". Pambazo, From the pharase pan
bazo, which means literally, brown bread. Originally this term referred
to the crudest, most inferior bread. Now it is most often used in
connection with two different antojitos: one made with unleavened wheat
flour dough that is filled, rolled into an oblong shape and fried. The
other consists of a small torta made with a small version of either a
bolillo or telera

> I would like to get a recipe for it, but I Haven't been able to find
> anything like that listed on the web.
> Does anybody here know what it is?

Well, I'll provide you with an official recipe, and a quick and
dirty one that works almost as well.

First, the quick and dirty. Get a bolillo or telera, and fry it.
If you prefer, you can add your favorite chile/chile-tomato/mole puree
to the oil before frying. Once fried, cut the bolillo or telera open,
and stuff it with whatever ingredients you most enjoy, such as chorizo,
ham, avocado, cheese, tinga, or whatever. BTW, this is how most street
vendors in Mexico make them, these days. A variation is that some dip
the bread in the chile puree separately, and then fry it.

Now, the real recipe. Original is in Spanish, I will try to do
interlineal translation again.


300 grs. de harina, más 3 cucharadas para amasar
300 grams (about 2/3 of a pound) of flour, plus 3 tablespoons for

2 cucharadas de manteca
2 Tablespoons of lard

2 huevos
2 eggs

1 cucharadita de sal
1 teasponn of salt

¼ taza de leche aproximadamente
1/4 cup of milk, more or less.

¼ litro de aceite
1/4 quart of oil

tabla de amasar, molde de tartaleta ovalado, cernidor o coladera.
kneading table, oval pie(tart?) mold, sieve.


Se ciernen harina y sal, se hace una fuente y en el centro se ponen
huevos y manteca, se incorpora bien agregando leche hasta que quede una
pasta suave.
Sift flour with salt, make a pool in the center and add eggs and
lard, mix well, adding milk until the dough is smooth.

Se unta la pasta por fuera con un poco de aceite y se deja en un
recipiente tapado con un lienzo toda la noche.
Spread a little oil on the outside of the dough, and leave it in a
container covered with a cloth overnight.

Al día siguiente se extiende la masa de un poco más de ¼ cm. de grosor y
se corta con los moldes.
The next day spread the dough out until it is about 1/8 inch
thick, and cut with the molds.

En el centro se marca con una pequeña X artificial.
In the center you mark a small "X".

Se caliente el aceite y se fríen hasta que estén bien dorados por todos
Heat the oil, and fry until they are golden brown on all sides.

Se abren por la mitad y se rellenan por ejemplo de frijoles refritos,
ensalada de papas, chorizo frito, una raja de chipotle y lechuga, mole o
picadillo. Se tapan por encima se les espolvorea queso rallado.
Open in the middle, and fill with, for example, refried beans,
potato salad, fried chorizo, a chipotle and lettuce, mole or ground
beef. Cover them again, and top them with grated cheese.

NOTA: Se pueden hacer muy pequeños para bocadillos de fiesta.
NOTE: They can be made ver small for appetizers at parties.

Please enjoy either, and/or both!
