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Default Tomato Sauce- do you mean the Aussie kind or the American kind?

I ask because as an Australian who speaks reasonably fluent American
English :-) I know that the same term does not mean the same thing in
each country. Australian "tomato sauce" is what the Americans call
"ketchup"; whereas what the Americans call "tomato sauce" would be
called "pasta sauce" by Australians. Who was it who first said, "Two
countries divided by a single language"? :-)
Anyway, Lisa Kendall, if you're still here and want a recipe for
something to pour on your Four 'n' Twenty pie, grab a copy of "The CWA
Cookery Book and Household Hints" (likely in your library system) and
try the Tomato Sauce No 1 recipe. Tips: If you're going to do a lot,
go to a continental store and buy a "Passe-Pomodoro", a kind of hand
cranked machine that sieves all the seeds and skins out of the cooked
tomatoes and apples. Makes what could be a tedious job with a hand
sieve take mere minutes. Then, after you've sieved it, return the
sauce to a clean pot and simmer even more to make it really thick.
Yum, yum, yum.