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In article >,
retzofrex > wrote:

> On Fri, 9 Dec 2005 12:11:21 +0100, "jacqui{JB}"
> > wrote:
> >Now if someone could tell me if the 15ml versus 20ml per tablespoon is the
> >only difference between US and pre-metric Australian measurements, I'd be
> >thrilled.

> The 4 teaspoon tablespoon of Australia was different, but it was NOT the
> only difference...
> The Australian gallon was the same as the Imperial Gallon, and not the
> US gallon, which is much smaller. The Aussie pint was the imperial pint
> and not the same as the US pint. The 10 ounces of the imperial pint are
> each smaller than the US ounce, so that the 10 ounces are not 10/8 a US
> pint, incidentally. 1 UK gallon is 1.20095 US gallon, and an imperial
> gallon is equal to 9.6076 US pints, but only 8 imperial pints. An
> imperial pint is not 1.25 times a US pint but rather is also 1.20095
> times a US pint... and so it goes.
> RsH
> ================================================== =====
> Copyright retained. My opinions - no one else's...
> If this is illegal where you are, do not read it!

A US Gallon has 128 ounces. An Imperial gallon has 160 ounces.

An ounce is an ounce is an ounce. (See for my rationale.)

I had never heard of a tablespoon with 4 teaspoons before. Too much
Foster's, maybe?
